teen plays chess

Changing Routines for Teens with Autism

Added By Ky ra Myers Ky ra Myers Meet The Editorial Team Authored By Ky’ra Myers, Licensed Master Social Worker – Camp Worth Clinical Director Ky’ra Myers, Licensed Master Social Worker – Camp Worth Clinical Director read more Published: November 11, 2021 Updated: December 10, 2021 Creating routines and rituals are staples in helping your…

parents begin autism support class

Are There Autism Classes for Parents?

Added By Ky ra Myers Ky ra Myers Meet The Editorial Team Published: September 28, 2021 Updated: September 7, 2021 Autism classes for parents can give parents the help they need to understand their child with autism better and more effectively communicate with them. The program can help you create a supportive home environment where…

family participates in autism therapy program

Benefits of Seeking Family Therapy for Autism

Added By Ky ra Myers Ky ra Myers Meet The Editorial Team Published: September 19, 2021 Updated: September 7, 2021 An autism diagnosis for your teen can be very disruptive to your family life. Most attention will go toward your child with autism, and other siblings can begin to resent them if they do not…