Children with autism struggle with social skills. This is one of the most common components of autism spectrum disorders. That doesn’t mean things cannot improve. As a parent, you may want to do whatever you can to foster growth and development in your child. Our social skills groups may help to do that. At Camp Worth, we offer group treatment like this that encourages interactions and communications. To learn more about our services, contact our team today at 855.915.2545.

What Are Social Skills?

Social skills, or group skills, are important to most people. Learning how to speak and communicate in a group setting is critical for all people because it directly impacts how conversations flow and how information is perceived. Our social skills groups teach key social skills that kids with autism often need help with, including:

  • Rules about communicating such as when and how
  • Abilities in communication methods
  • Navigating complex situations such as around customs
  • Providing improved natural language skills
  • Making talking to others easier and less frustrating

One of the ways we can teach this is through group skills training at an autism treatment program. While we do work one-on-one with your son or daughter to facilitate improving communication, there are also components that are valuable in group therapy. During group skills training, your child interacts with others in life-like situations. This creates valuable insights into how to communicate effectively.

What Happens in Social Skills Groups?

family working on social skills groupsSocial skills groups are one component of the autism therapy programs we offer at Camp Worth. During these group skills programs, your son or daughter is working with others. This type of development focuses on areas such as:

  • Teachable moment use, teaching based on what’s happening
  • Learning behaviors and social queues
  • Focusing on timing in conversations
  • Supporting communication and sensory integration
  • Creating better cognitive and language skills in relation to others

There are many other small and big things that individuals learn when they are in these types of social skills groups. What they learn and how they learn depends on many things.

What Is the Benefit of Group Skills Training Like This?

As noted, individual therapy is a valuable part of helping your child to grow and thrive. Yet, group treatment is also quite important. It can offer your son or daughter many new ideas and ways to communicate.

For example, it helps to provide structure and predictability. They understand what’s going to happen and how. It can also help to break down hard topics and skills through teachable moments in real-life settings. Your son or daughter also learns authentic and effective skills in these demonstrations and interactions.

The benefits of group treatment tend to go much further. For example, it can help many children to learn about self-awareness. It may aid in improving their self-esteem. In some situations, it can also help to encourage families to come together and communicate more effectively, which is why we also offer an autism parent training program. Your son or daughter may also gain skills that allow them to hold jobs and to improve their quality of life over the long term.

Is Group Treatment the Best Option?

To find out if group treatment in our social skills groups is right for your son or daughter, we’ll provide a full assessment and create a treatment plan designed to focus on their unique needs. They will work in pairs or in groups to learn these key skills. Many times, this is done based on their level of communication and their specific needs.

Encourage the Best Outcome at Camp Worth

Social skills groups may be just what your son or daughter needs to reach their next best level. Our team at Camp Worth provides group skills training that can comprehensively enhance the quality of life of your child with autism. We encourage you to explore our group treatment and other therapies that may be beneficial to your child. Call us at 855.915.2545 to learn more.