a woman utilizes behavioral therapy for autism

Finding Behavioral Therapy for Autism

Added By Ky ra Myers Ky ra Myers Meet The Editorial Team Published: March 5, 2021 Updated: April 15, 2021 Autism treatment is comprehensive, including learning skills and improving communication. For many children, behavioral therapy for autism is a critical component of treatment. Finding a way to control impulsive behaviors and minimize negative outcomes is…

child showing development milestones

Childhood Development Milestones in Early Learners: Signs and Symptoms of Autism

Added By Ky ra Myers Ky ra Myers Meet The Editorial Team Published: August 23, 2020 Updated: November 30, 2021 Every parent worries whether their child is hitting the right childhood development milestones at the right age, usually needlessly. All children develop at their own rate, and what’s easy for one may be impossible for…

child showing what is autism spectrum disorder

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Helping Your Teen Unlock Their Unlimited Potential

Added By Ky ra Myers Ky ra Myers Meet The Editorial Team Published: August 8, 2020 Updated: August 27, 2020 You know the term “autism spectrum disorder,” but unless you’ve loved a child who has developed this condition, you may be unaware of what it really means. What is autism spectrum disorder? Referred to as…

a therapist talks to her patient about the levels of autism care

Levels of Autism Care

Added By Ky ra Myers Ky ra Myers Meet The Editorial Team Published: June 24, 2020 Updated: June 9, 2020 Children and adolescents diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) don’t have the same experience. Some may exhibit few signs of their condition, while others require more intensive levels of autism care. Providing comprehensive treatment for ASD becomes…

a family hugs after learning about the types of autism

A Guide to Understanding Types of Autism

Added By Ky ra Myers Ky ra Myers Meet The Editorial Team Published: June 15, 2020 Updated: November 30, 2021 There’s a lot of misinformation spread around about children living with autism. We’re providing this guide as a way of dispelling harmful myths surrounding the condition. People with autism still have the potential to live…